Thrift Flip Club

Welcome to Lowell Thrift Flip club! We are a club dedicated to upcycling old/used clothing in an eco-friendly manner. We combine creativity and sustainability as we work together to renew your old things! Whether you are bringing in your vintage finds or those old jeans that have been sitting in the corner of your room, this club is the perfect place to fix and fiddle with ‘em! We’ll explore various techniques to breathe new life into old garments, swap tips and tricks, and share inspiration with fellow fashion and sewing enthusiasts. Don’t even worry if you don’t have any sewing experience- our club is all about learning and experimenting together. We welcome everyone, from seasoned pros to absolute beginners! Lowell Thrift Flip Club is the perfect place to bring anyone's creative visions to life. Come meet every other Tuesday at 3:45 in room 216 to flip with us!!!

Meetings: We meet every Tuesday at Rm 216 every other tuesday after school

Club Officers:

President: Amalie Cimala 2616

Vice President: Simone Andrade

Other Officers: Club Coordinator Aliya Dillick Treasurer Violette Walenne Social Media Lila Quarles & Annie Nussbaum